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Teaching Sample

ID: Signer is a blonde white woman wearing a black v-neck short-sleeve t-shirt standing against a textured grey background. She has a tattoo of 2 bears on her left forearm and is wearing an apple watch on left wrist. She is signing throughout the video.


Slide 1: (An image of a black woman and male child appears on the screen) Do you see this woman (points to woman) and this boy (points to boy)? The woman is a mother and the boy is her son.

Slide 2: (An image of a black man and female child appears on the screen) the man (points to man) is a father and the girl (points to girl) she is his daughter.

Slide 3: (An image of a blonde toddler girl and blonde toddler boy appears on the screen) The boy and girl (identifies the image on the screen) they are standing and playing. The girl is a sister, the boy is her brother.

Slide 4: (An image of an elderly asian man and male child appears on the screen) Do you see the man and the boy? The man is not his father, he is older. He is the child's grandfather. The boy is his grandson.

Slide 5: (An image of a white elderly woman and female child appears on the screen) (points to image) The woman and the girl are cooking, kneading dough. The woman is a grandmother, the girl is her granddaughter.

Slide 6: (An image of an older white blonde woman and hispanic male child appears on the screen) The woman sitting with the boy sitting next her playing and tickling, she is not his mom. She is the boy's mom's sister. She is his aunt. the boy is her nephew. If the boy was a girl, she would be her niece.

Slide 7: (An image of a man appears on the screen) See the man sitting slumped and smiling? (imitates his posture) He is an uncle. What does uncle mean? He is the little boy's mom's brother.

Slide 8: (An image of 2 white teenage girls appears on the screen) See the 2 girls sitting together smiling? The girls are not sisters. Their mom's are sisters. This makes the 2 girls cousins.

Slide 9: (An image of a stick figure family appears on the screen) See the mom, dad, baby and little girl? They are a family (the word 'family' appears on the screen).

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